Tuesday, October 18, 2011

The Fall

Right now I'm going through three books of the Bible: Genesis, Matthew and Romans. I alternate chapters so that I can get into different parts of the Bible while actually studying it, rather than just reading it. My Reformation Study Bible has been very helpful in explaining difficult passages.

Today I am reading in Genesis 3. Between the beginning of Genesis and Romans, I've been getting a lot on the sinfulness of man and condemnation that follows. It's been very sobering and good to reflect on my sin the way God sees it. Verse 6 says:

"So when the woman saw that the tree was good for food and that it was a delight to the eyes, and that the tree was to be desired to make one wise, she took of its fruit and ate, and she also gave some to her husband who was with her, and he ate."

Here are some of the notes that I have in my Bible:

"tree...wise - Her decision was based on practical values, aesthetic appreciation, and intellectual gratification."

"took of its fruit - By this act, she sealed an alliance with the prince of death and darkness. God's loving election and plan of redemption are her only hope."

Notice that this isn't said of "and ate" it is said of "she took the fruit." If we intend to sin, we have allied with the devil. Sin doesn't start with an action. It starts with our heart, thoughts and intensions. Eve first sinned when she commit to sin, not when she committed the sin. Her heart desired the forbidden, even if she hadn't eaten yet.

"he ate - Man becomes a rebel: surrounded with sufficient motives to trust and obey God, he chooses disobedience against God (6:5, 8:21). Salvation depends entirely upon the Lord, not the rebel. By God's appointment Adam represented the race as its federal head and brought death upon all (Romans 5:12-19). He also represents, as a model and prototype, mankind's hostility against God.

I want to dwell on these things to get an accurate view of myself. Too often sin is not serious to us. Gossip is normal, prideful thoughts are expected (after all you're only human), and anger is the fault of others. There is no excuse. Yes we are human and we do sin, but this reality isn't supposed to make us think that certain sins ("little sins" or "respectable sins") are alright. It's supposed to make us turn and run to God because He is the only one who can save us from those sins.

Those thoughts and intents have condemned us to hell, but Christ has saved us! He has taken the punishment for those sins and now we can run to the Father. We are no longer under condemnation. We are under Christ's blood, which has the power over our sins. And he has given us this power. He has promised us his Spirit and that he would never leave us or forsake us. He can help fight those "little sins" that have cause so much damage. He already destroyed them on the cross! They have no power! Christ has the ultimate power! This should give us joy!

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